Friday, September 18, 2009

Freaky Fridays: Crush/Trampling Fetishists

I know its only been a few days but it seems like a great while has passed between pieces. Things here at THE DIRTY WORD are moving along, I've spent most of the week designing and creating our new logo in my kitchen, which I'm sure has got the sitophiles (food fetishists) all excited. That will hopefully be out next week.

I'm looking at expanding the column to include other writers or bloggers on other subjects on a biweekly basis, so if anyone knows a literate dominatrix then let me know. 

In the more immediate future though I'll be adding an RSS feed, which I only just found out existed, and hopefully leaving the wonderful Blogspot and opening my own site, full domain name and all. 

There are something like 60 million blogs in the word, its time I made mine a little more distinctive.

Its all terribly interesting isn't it, but that's not why your reading, your reading because its freaky fucking Friday and you want to know that maybe all that porn you found under your sons bed isn't really that strange at all.

Well earlier in the week I watched a naked woman crush a bug under a stiletto heel, and thought it would be absolutely perfect for this weeks FF entry.

Crush fetishism, a subculture of the foot worshipping crowd, are people, mostly males, who enjoy the sight of someone's foot crushing an object or animal. From what I've seen its typically bugs that are stepped on though I did read about mice, reptiles and even puppies, being stepped on. 

Its very similar to another kink called trample play, which involves similar scenario, with the distinct exception that its another human being that's under foot. 

The reason or circumstance that create this desire is largely unknown, but heavily speculated on. It is seemingly a complicated multitude of eroticisms adding up to one interesting sum.

There are elements of domination and submission, masochism, and clearly a strong sexual desire to see someone's feet doing something to something else. Both crush and trampling play share these similar elements, but the tramplers take the erotic cake by pushing it a step further.

Cock trampling, the last in today's piece, is exactly what it sounds like it would be. Not as friendly as a "foot job," or nearly as messy as a high heel shoe crushing a beetle, its just the gradual application of pressure to the male genitals to induce pain which for the foot worshipping masochist leads to arousal.

Before the advent of the internet these people were confided to slave away quietly at Foot Locker, jerking off in the employee bathroom, but now, if you fit any degree of anything described above, and you live in or near a major city, chances are you can find a group of people in your area.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Flying Solo

I was once told, by an idiot, that masturbating prevents cancer. No qualifiers, no specification, just plain as day, he told me that masturbating cures cancer. Which would be wonderful, if it was as true as this incredibly broad statement suggested. I could smoke 3 packs of cigarettes for the rest of my unnatural life and never worry about anything more then yellow teeth and bad smelling clothes.

So, low and behold, I've investigated this wild medical claim and discovered the fact behind the incredible fiction I build in my mind.

The truth is that masturbating is believed by some doctors to help prevent prostate cancer. The problem is that its also believed by some doctors to increase the chances of prostate cancer. See the dilemma. 

The latest study I could find was by a team of Australian researchers, who believed they had finally solved the riddle of playing with the pink tromboner. 

Team leader Graham Giles told the BBC in an interview "The more you flush the [prostate] out, the less there is to hang around and damage the cells." So therefore masturbation might not be what Jesus would do, but it also might help you avoid meeting him for a little while longer.

It seems strait forward, and he's a doctor so we place a lot of faith in his opinions an conclusions. All the data was collected through survey of men who once, or currently suffers from prostate cancer, and men who've never shown any signs of the illness.

The team believes this study stands out beyond all the rest because they view the previous theories surveying as essentially flawed. Dr.Giles believes that other researchers didn't eliminate the fact that a person who was very sexually active while younger, had a higher chance of contracting an STI, making that a more likely cause of the cancer.

I read another study, claiming that frequent masturbation can increase the chances of developing prostate cancer by 79% in 20-30 year old males, but even according to the author, Polyxeni Dimitropoulou's own words, the study measured men with high sex drive more than actual frequency of masturbation, and not taking into account that these men would be more sexually active, and possibly have an STI, giving further weight to the Australian study.

Either way the topic is clearly going to be continually debated and the research methods refined, so more definitive conclusions can be met.

Until then is anyone going to stop masturbating? 

Didn't think so.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Body Worlds Gets a Little Sexy

I've just informed my partner of a very serious request. The most serious of requests in fact, my last request.

When my body ceases to function and it comes time for me to die I don't want to be cremated, or to be placed in a hole in the ground, and I don't want an illegal burial at sea, though I did think about it. When the great Charles Heston in the sky comes for me, I want one thing to be done with this mortal coil of mine. My earthly remains will undergo the process called plastination, preserving me forever as one of the world's largest paper weights.

All fluid will be drained from my muscles and organs, and my skin removed, while German anatomists coat me in epoxy resin and add me to the newest planned exhibit in the controversial, and amazing, Body Worlds showcase.

Body Worlds, if you've never had the pleasure of seeing it personally, is the creation of Gunther von Hagens. It is a truly unique display, where human cadavers are displayed, without skin, so that all or select systems of the body can been viewed by tourists and art aficionados.

For the laymen population, like myself, it is a glimpse into an internal mirror, showing us a side of ourselves that few will ever see, the inside.

Von Gunther has made an announcement about another addition to his anatomical master piece, and its exactly where I want my dried out corpse to end up.

Plans are under way to show a variety of cadavers in a multitude of different sexual positions, in order to show the basic physical process of sex. German conservative politicians are raising a bit of a stink, but the friendly museum goers of Zurich have committed to allowing whatever the anatomist creates, including the, as of yet, unconfirmed, still under discussion, and much debated pieces depicting homosexual sex.

Some days I think if it wasn't or the Germans I'd have nothing to write about.

Having seen a scaled down version of the original, sex free, exhibit recently I have to say just seeing those bodies holding a tennis racket was startling enough, I couldn't imagine seeing Frankenstein's monster giving it to the zombie queen, but isn't that the point of art? To elicit emotion, through shock if necessary. To expose, and educate the beholder in a new point of view. I can say first hand that's exactly what, even the basic Body World, exhibit does, even in its simplest of forms.

This work is important, and if a few German political feathers get ruffled in the process then they should just go back to watching their home made scat porn and simply choose not to view art that they don't appreciate.