Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cross All Your T's and Dot All Your Gays

Friends and regular readers, they both exist I swear, will know that I'm putting together plans to launch "thedirtyword.com," but all that's pretty slow coming at the moment. 

I love the internet, despite all the scams, electronic dating dishonesty, illegal pornography, and that website my ex made about me, its given every man, woman, and small asian child a voice, united the kinky world together, and made news and information accessible to anyone near a library. Its also made social and political movements, good and bad, easier to unearth for any would-be activist, or organizer.

Well there are now two companies battling it out to control a small part of sexual activism and profiteerism. 

I will one day soon have "thedirtyword.com" I promise that, but no matter who wins the race to registry I could, one day soon, if I chose to, have "thedirtyword.gay." 

Isn't that awesome?

I won't though, this is a pro-gay website, that discusses gay issues , and gay sexuality and kink, but we also discuss, strait issues, strait sexuality and kink, and by combination of the two we cover bisexuality as well I suppose, we love trannies, and yes, we're inching toward asexuality as well. So until there is an acronym to cover all human beings sexual idenities  and someone pays the near 200,000 dollars to let me toss it on the end of a web address we'll continue to set our sights on dot com, while secretly wishing we were cool enough to be dot gay.

The really awesome part is that while the "Dot Gay Alliance," and "Dotgay.com" seem to be in competing for ownership of the TLD (top-level domain), both promise to donate profits to LGBT(QIA) charities. 

The biggest difference according to Nathan Strang, a writer for The Bilerico Project (bilerico.com) is that the Dot Gay Alliance is run by Joe Dolce, a gay publisher and editor, while Dotgay.com is managed and run by Alexander Schubert, a strait European businessman, who is also creating other "dots" like ".green," or ".nyc."

While according to the "Dot Gay Alliance," at least 51% of profit generated will go back into the LGBT(QIA) community, "Dotgay.com" states that "Over two thirds of the ownership and thus profits are controlled by the LGBT community. That means that over two thirds of the profit of each “.gay” domain name purchase are donated for the LGBT cause." 

Which at first glance sounds great, but to me, could be interpreted in two ways. One, that queer based charities are going to control a majority of the ownership and receive the profit, or, two, that a majority of queer people are going to be placed in charge, which doesn't necessarily denote that it will effect the whole community, just select members of it. 

My cynical interpretation aside, it does seem like sincere promises, on both sides, meaning that no matter what, the community will benefit, and even more wonderfully, the internet will get a little more gay.

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