Someone asked me today why I haven't written anything on the evangelical church debating and voting in a new clerical law, allowing openly gay clergy members have sex while in committed relationships.
In short, its because its a bull shit move, with little to no effect on gay rights in North America and I refuse to write about it. So instead I'm going to throw away 451 words (the same number of ELCA delegates that voted against allowing homosexual ministers from being in monogamous and committed sexual partnerships) on a totally non socially relevant puff piece, on nothing really that important.
Rich, better educated women are statistically shown to have more orgasms then their poorer, stupider, seemingly less fulfilled, counter parts.
That's right. Not only do they wear nicer clothes, live in bigger houses and look better longer, due to all the extra botox they can afford, they also have more fun wiggling out of their knickers then average people. If all the impoverished women across North America could be reading this right now, they'd probably all kill themselves, good thing none of them can afford the internet.
An Austrialian study showed that heterosexual women, who hold a post secondary degree reach that super fun totally awesome sexual climax more often. Or one could deduce that rich men are better lovers.
Dr. Thomas Pollet, and Professor Daniel Nettle, who's incomes are unknown, are the co-authors of the study.
They believe that the female orgasm, which has no bearing on the reproductive process, is a form of "evolutionary adaption," and that the climax for woman “serves to discriminate between males on the basis of their quality...If so, then it should be more frequent in females paired with high-quality males.”
The study also points out that there is the possibility that the more desirable males may actively seek out women who are highly orgasmic.
The interesting part, that a few reporters before me have pointed out, is that the research suggests that if money is the cause of all the blood rushing to a woman's face in a Malibu beach house, then women are programmed, genetically, or socially (more then likely the latter) to go for the rich guy.
The difficult part is that this study speaks in generalities about the entire gender of one species when the research was conducted mostly in one culture (china) and was gathered mostly over the telephone. Its also hard to link something evolutionary, like sex acts, to something in our social environment, money.
The real fact that is being missed here, among all the research, figures and facts, is that if proven to be true, this study is final evidence that now, more then ever, life is totally unfair.
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