Friday, September 4, 2009

Freaky Fridays: Hypnofetishism

A lot of sexual play is based around control. Large parts of BDSM, rape fantasies, slave play, and so on, are build around losing or gaining complete control over another person. Control play is easy. It has its extremes and is sometimes as simple as being the top or the bottom for a change. It can be holding down your sex partners arms, and as (consensually) cruel as orgasm denial. 

It does really beg the question though, how much control can a person lose? What is the truest form of gaining complete mastery over someone? Is it having a live in slave? Does your partner's hold on your collar and leash to keep you in disciplined and powerless in the bedroom? 

What could possibly make someone more vulnerable then being strapped down with no way to wiggle you limbs free?

The answer is east enough. Mind control, hypnofetishism, or what's referred to by its advocates as erotic hypnosis. 

The principles are the same used by the asshole at your company christmas party, who made you boss quack like a duck. Only instead of quacking, the boss-duck's probably getting a dick in its mouth.

The submissive is placed into a trance, or at least if accommodating enough will appear to enter a trance for their partner. There are a variety of methods of recommended for non-professionals to bring their others into the suggestible state required and then even more for "deepening" the subjects dream like state. They include combinations of lights, sounds, voice suggestion, swinging pocket watches, and even annoying spinning vortexes available on the internet.

From there the subjects actions are controlled by suggestion. The goal being to have control of the others actions, perceptions, and the level of their arousal. 

The hypnotist is given total control, while the hypnotee is freed from any inhibition, fear, and in an erotic sense, responsibility for their actions. They are totally free to be completely dominated without forcing their partner to learn a series of complicated knots.

The mind of the sub can be sent to fantasy locations, placed in drastically different scenarios, and all of the 5 senses told to experience a sensation a step or two off from reality.

Personally, I don't 100% buy into the idea that I can be pushed aside and my subconscious erotic imagination brought to the forefront, and then bent and shaped to someone else's desire. Maybe I'm not suggestible enough, or maybe someone doesn't know what they're capable of until some ass with a pocket watch is tell you to do it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just Add Milk

Breakfast, its the most important meal of the day. I know in my house when I get up at the crack of dawn, ready to spread my sexual deviance across all of gods creation, I pour myself a big bowl of Raisin Bran or Harvest Crunch or even Special K. I'll shove eggs bacon, ham, sausage, even some nice morning salmon, if possible, into my mouth. Waffles, crepes, pancakes, I'll eat anything put in front of my face, except, of course, Kellogg's Corn Flakes.

Its not the Flakes I take issue with. I mean they're a little bland and flavourless for my taste, but there isn't a whole lot offensive about the cereal itself. Is the Kellogg family I don't care for. 

The famous red logo on all the boxes is William Keith Kellogg's own signature. He and his brother John developed the american foodstuff during a time, according to, that peoples "eating habits began shifting from heavy, fat-laden breakfasts to lighter, more grain-based meals." 

There is a lot of history in those corn-grain flakes. Young master William was quite the savvy business man. As his cereal empire grew William made his mark in the great stomach of history, while his brother John fell by the way side.

But, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, was an interesting man. He's responsible for coining the term sanatarium, to refer to mental institutions, he adopted over 40 children, was a skilled inventor,  and for a time was a prominent member of his church. 

More to the point of this article, he also authored a book entitled, "Plain Facts," which served as a health warning to help parents recognize the signs that their child suffered from all the awful side effects of the vile, immoral, scourge of masturbation.

"In my opinion, neither the plague, nor war, nor small-pox, nor similar diseases, have produced results so disastrous to humanity as the pernicious habit of onanism [jerking it]."
Indicators included pimples, underdeveloped breasts, sluggishness, and having functioning fucking human sex organs. Would you guess what one of Dr. Kellogg's main theories of the cause was? Its easy enough, poor diet and overly flavourful food.

So to combat the affliction, the Kelloggs invented Corn Flakes, originally called "Sanitas Nut Food." Afterwards, William would add sugar, repackage the cereal, leave his family church, the Seventh Day Adventists, who were also totally bat shit crazy, and become one of the most successful american business men never to graduate the 7th grade, until the 2 term election of George W. Bush that is.

Though after reading "Plain Facts," one discovers that diet was not the sole cure for playing on the devils clarinet, yes that's a direct metaphor. You learn of treatment, running from afternoon naps all the way to applying electricity directly to the region of "irritation." The worst of cases, which would of been me around the age of 15, would require "internal applications," or as it's called today, surgery.

This man was a doctor. A legal mental health professional, and is on record saying he never had sex with his wife and the more I research his life, the more I'm inclined to believe it. They slept in separate beds, everyday of their marriage. Had no children, and promoted crazy ideas like abstaining from alcohol and tobacco.

Here at THE DIRTY WORD, we're pro alcohol,  pro sex, pro masturbation, and anti electrodes attached to our genitals, non consensually anyway. I want everyone to know the history of what they're putting in their mouth, food or other wise, because you never know what asshole was using it for before you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

India Continues Path to Decriminalize Homosexuality

You know, as much as I like to look south into the USA and bemoan their restrictions of the rights of their gay citizens, as much as I criticize certain, openly homophobic, proud to be bigoted, unnamed, major news networks, owned by Rupert Murdock, and I am always looking for signs that Steven Harper's firebrand family values rhetoric is returning in our own country, it's pretty easy to forget sometimes that the United States and Canada's gay rights movement is far more advanced then a large portion of the world. 

And, I'll point out, Canada is leaps and bounds further then the US, even with a "progressive" conservative government. All because Canadians are smarter, cleaner and better looking.

In research done by the International Lesbian & Gay Association in 2007, it found that it was illegal to commit, even consensual sex acts with a member of the same sex. Countries included on this list are Barbados, Jamaica, and until very recently, India.

That's right, a few months ago on the 25th of June 2009 a New Delhi High Court eliminated a 148 year old law that criminalized homosexual sex and forever crippled the Indian fashion industry. A conviction of "carnal intercourse against the order of nature," could carry a fine and a maximum of 10 years in jail.

The Indian government still retains the power to challenge the ruling in their supreme court, but it was announced today that by the Union Law Minister that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who will make his official decision next week, will allow the ruling to stand. 

A wide variety of religious groups have mounted their own appeal, but I choose to think that crazy people on a street corner screaming about god and the end of the world will not sway, what currently seems like, a steadfast and rational government.

This is a first of many steps, up a long winding staircase of political debate and religious arguments, and provoked public fear. We struggle with this today in our own culture and need to support India's process toward greater equality for all people. 

While one of the worlds oldest civilizations moves toward tolerance, we must again look to ourselves and realize that even though, comparably, North America is light years ahead of many places, if all the crazy people like Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, and even Steven Harper get their way, then being gay could become a crime again.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Life Styles of the Rich and Famous

Someone asked me today why I haven't written anything on the evangelical church debating and voting in a new clerical law, allowing openly gay clergy members have sex while in committed relationships.
In short, its because its a bull shit move, with little to no effect on gay rights in North America and I refuse to write about it. So instead I'm going to throw away 451 words (the same number of ELCA delegates that voted against allowing homosexual ministers from being in monogamous and committed sexual partnerships) on a totally non socially relevant puff piece, on nothing really that important.
Rich, better educated women are statistically shown to have more orgasms then their poorer, stupider, seemingly less fulfilled, counter parts. 
That's right. Not only do they wear nicer clothes, live in bigger houses and look better longer, due to all the extra botox they can afford, they also have more fun wiggling out of their knickers then average people. If all the impoverished women across North America could be reading this right now, they'd probably all kill themselves, good thing none of them can afford the internet. 
An Austrialian study showed that heterosexual women, who hold a post secondary degree reach that super fun totally awesome sexual climax more often. Or one could deduce that rich men are better lovers.
Dr. Thomas Pollet, and Professor Daniel Nettle, who's incomes are unknown, are the co-authors of the study.
They believe that the female orgasm, which has no bearing on the reproductive process, is a form of "evolutionary adaption,"  and that the climax for woman “serves to discriminate between males on the basis of their quality...If so, then it should be more frequent in females paired with high-quality males.”
The study also points out that there is the possibility that the more desirable males may actively seek out women who are highly orgasmic.
The interesting part, that a few reporters before me have pointed out, is that the research suggests that if money is the cause of all the blood rushing to a woman's face in a Malibu beach house, then women are programmed, genetically, or socially (more then likely the latter) to go for the rich guy.
The difficult part is that this study speaks in generalities about the entire gender of one species when the research was conducted mostly in one culture (china) and was gathered mostly over the telephone. Its also hard to link something evolutionary, like sex acts, to something in our social environment, money. 
The real fact that is being missed here, among all the research, figures and facts, is that if proven to be true, this study is final evidence that now, more then ever, life is totally unfair. 

Monday, August 31, 2009

UN Recommendations for Sex Education

I just spent the weekend doing three things. First reading the entire UNESCO (U.N.'s Economic, Social and Cultural Organization) report on recommendations for universal sex education to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Secondly I read all the leftist blogs and news reports condemning, exaggerating and vilifying a minute section of this coma inducing literature, and lastly I managed to dedicate a colossal chunk of my two day reprieve, watching my partner vomit into a stainless steel metal pot.

I'm sure its the swine flu, but H1N1 is not the most sickening pest to find its way into my household since Friday evening. 

There has been this out pouring of, in a lot of cases, out right lies or total embellishment of what the report says. It was hard, having read the critics interpretation of the piece, not to feel total aversion to it. The shocking headlines warning us that the United Nations wants to teach all the worlds children how to masturbate by age 5 seemed ludicrous and unnecessary. Having then spent a while reading a few less damning pieces it really became clear that the issue was worth a bit more investigating.

After muscling through the entire document, I found a few points that seemed a bit odd, but on the whole, it seems like a smart, informative plan working toward progressive sex education with hopes to really effect the way the next generation will look at sex.

The typical and most controversial points discussed seem to be the age that children are taught about masturbation, age 5-8, and the age that they'll learn about the pros and cons of aphrodisiacs and the rights to a safe abortion, age 9-12, and from 12-15, they'll learn the possible reasons for abortion. 

Seriously though, fox news shat a chicken over the last one.

Its bizarre, I'll admit that. Thinking about discussing plain old vanilla missionary, birds and bees style intercourse with children is enough, it seems, to make most parents shudder. We have to admit to ourselves that we have a narrow view of the sexual reality, not just in this country, but in the world.

According to the Iowa State University the average age that kids are becoming sexuality active, in lower income families is 12.77. If your lucky enough to be born in what is considered a middle class to high income family its age 14.9. 

So if we take the American average from above and apply it on a worldwide scale to the 1.4 billion people living below the poverty line, (any person that lives on less then $1.25 a day according to the world bank) then the idea that sex education doesn't start from a younger age is almost negligent. In countries and nations with extremely high rates of HIV/AIDS infections, like Africa, there was a growing need for unabashed, comprehensive, and mature sex education, 10 fucking years ago, now the fact that a decisive internationally endorsed program isn't being implemented, its practically criminal. 

The report in no way recommends teaching children age 5-8 how to masturbate, they recommend that children in that age group learn what masturbation is, that touching yourself can (I think we'll all agree) feel good, and that there are times when its not appropriate participate in said activities.

As for 9-12 years learning about peoples rights to abortion, well part of that demographic is already having sex, so unless your catholic, or were born with some other learning disability that make you think women don't possess the deed to their own bodies, then in principle it all makes some kind of logical sense. Not surprising when you consider that the 2 researchers that wrote the thing were Dr. Doug Kirby, an expert in the field of adolescent sexuality, and is studying the decline of AIDS in Uganda and Nanette Ecker, the former director of international education and training at the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States.

Its not easy to agree with every single point made and no one is really expecting a total consensus on what is, without a doubt, a difficult issue, but the total dismissal of something simply because the world public might have to have a real debate about teaching what we think is appropriate and what we know is necessary, to combat a growing global pandemic.

I hope no one minds that the week starts off with a rant. It'll all be butt sex and foot fetishes from here.