Thursday, September 10, 2009

Family Values Wins Again

Michael Duvall, ultra gay bashing conservative and second term California assemblyman, is now my new favourite US politician.

Not because he's a loving husband, or a staunch supporter of traditional family values, and not because he wanted to amend the 1st amendment, you know, freedom of speech, to limit what people could print on antiwar t-shirts, and its certainly not because of all his hard work to prevent the advance of the United States gay civil rights movement, by helping to suppress the legalization of same sex marriage. 

I love Michael Duvall because he's too stupid to know what happens when he's talking directly into a microphone.

If he was smart enough to understand the principles of the digitization of sound then he would, more than likely, not gone on to brag, in great detail, about his mistresses, the lobbyist he's been screwing, and how his dirty seed was spilling out of her all over the floor.

Nothing warms my perverted little heart, and other places, more then a good sex scandal, especially when it involves exposing another one of these hypocritical, old fashioned fucking idiots getting caught for the shit they were all getting away with for decades, all the while spouting rhetoric saying exactly the opposite.

It takes some looking, but you can find the full tape, and I have to say, as a fledgling sex professional, that its a little tame. He gives details of an emerging spanking fetish, and clearly likes to talk dirty to her and a particularly attentive co-worker. 

"I'm going up and down the stairs and your dripping out of me," he reported her saying. Leaving cleaning staff in the legislative building to retype their resumés.

Nothing too filthy, maybe a bit racy for the morning news, but he's not shitting on peoples faces, I'm just waiting for the day that little brown nugget get revealed, and it all sounds consensual, so no real crime has been committed.

Despite this fact though "Hot" Mike Duvall resigned his position on Wednesday. 

The floors of the legislative building have never been cleaner, though lobbyists report a drop in moral.

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